Learn how to use Reusable Component Blocks in Refoundry to create flexible, site-wide content with customizable local and global settings.
Master WordPress Patterns with Refoundry blocks. Learn to insert, customize, and manage synced and unsynced patterns for flexible, consistent design.
Discover how to use Regular Blocks in WordPress. Learn when and where to apply them for flexible, one-time content creation.
Learn how to delete blocks and use undo/redo functions in the Gutenberg editor to quickly fix mistakes and streamline your content editing.
Learn how to efficiently add, move, and copy-paste blocks on an existing page in the Gutenberg editor, with tips for importing content from external sources.
Ensure your site looks great on any device with responsive previews, adjusting layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile using Gutenberg’s flexible settings.
Build layouts in the Gutenberg editor using containers, rows, and columns, and master flexbox controls for precise content alignment and responsive design.
Learn how to use toolbar features, transform blocks, and add or replace images in the Gutenberg editor to streamline your WordPress content creation.
This video covers the basics of the Gutenberg Editor, including how to navigate the List View, use the Settings Panel, and efficiently add blocks to a page.