Measurement Units

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What are Measurement Units?

In the context of Refoundry, Measurement Units are the various ways to define the size and spacing of elements on your website. These include Pixels (PX) for exact sizing, Percentages (%) for relative sizing, EM and REM units for scaling based on parent or root elements, and Viewport Width (VW) and Height (VH) for responsive sizing based on the browser’s dimensions.

These units help ensure that your design is flexible, consistent, and adapts well across different devices and screen sizes.

How it Works

Measurement Units in responsive design are critical for creating layouts that adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. In Refoundry, these units allow you to define dimensions, spacing, and scaling of elements in a flexible and dynamic way. By choosing the appropriate measurement unit, you can ensure that your design maintains its integrity and readability, whether viewed on a large desktop monitor or a small mobile screen.

Pixels (PX)

Pixels are the most straightforward unit, representing an absolute size. When you specify dimensions or spacing in pixels, it will be exactly that many pixels on the screen, regardless of the device or screen size.

Use in Responsive Design: Pixels are useful for precise, fixed measurements, but can be less flexible in responsive designs because they do not scale with the screen size.

Percentages (%)

Percentages represent a relative size based on the parent element. For example, if an image is set to 75%, it will take up 75% of the width or height of its parent container.

Use in Responsive Design: Percentages are highly useful in responsive design because they allow elements to scale relative to their container, ensuring that the layout adapts proportionally to different screen sizes.


EM units are relative to the font size of the parent element. For instance, if a parent element has a font size of 16px, 1em would equal 16px. This makes EM units responsive to changes in the parent element’s size.

Use in Responsive Design: EM is particularly useful for scalable typography and spacing within elements that are dependent on the parent’s size, allowing for a more fluid and adaptable design.


REM units are relative to the root element’s font size, typically set in the HTML or body tag. Unlike EM, REM does not change based on the parent element’s size, making it more stable and predictable.

Use in Responsive Design: REM is excellent for maintaining consistent scaling across a website, as it ensures that all elements scale uniformly based on the root size, regardless of their location in the DOM hierarchy.

Viewport Width (VW)

VW units are based on the width of the viewport (the visible area of the browser window). 1VW equals 1% of the viewport’s width.

Use in Responsive Design: VW is highly effective for responsive layouts, allowing elements to scale with the browser’s width. This is particularly useful for full-width elements, like headers or background images, that need to adjust with the window size.

Viewport Height (VH)

VH units are similar to VW, but they are based on the height of the viewport. 1VH equals 1% of the viewport’s height.

Use in Responsive Design: VH is often used for full-height elements or sections, ensuring that content fills the available vertical space in the browser window, which is particularly useful in fullscreen layouts or sections.

Each measurement unit in Refoundry serves a specific purpose, and understanding how they work is essential for effective responsive design. Pixels offer precision, percentages provide flexibility, EM and REM units ensure scalable typography and spacing, and viewport units (VW and VH) enable dynamic sizing based on the browser window. By selecting the right unit for each element, you can create a design that is not only visually appealing but also adaptable to any screen size.


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